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Webinar: Inclusive Leadership-How to BREAK the Rules to Find Team Success
Tuesday, December 05, 2023, 1:30 PM - 2:30 PM EST
Category: Webinars

Inclusive Leadership-How to BREAK the Rules to Find Team Success

Published by Texas Society of Association Executives

register for the webinar

What You Will Learn

  • About your hidden biases and how they affect decision-making
  • How to lead with courage and vulnerability
  • How to create a positive culture of discovery and learning that drives success

Presenter: Michelle Jolivet
Michelle is the Founder and President of DEI Recruiting and Consulting, an organization focused on promoting inclusion and diversity in the workforce. With a mission to help companies achieve additional profitability and not leave money on the table. Michelle and her team partner with organizations to ensure they remain competitive and thrive through an inclusive and diverse workforce.


$45 for Members
$75 for Non-members

Please note, the Commission has announced a new CAE Registered Provider Program. At this time, this course may not be  pre-approved for CAE credit. However, we believe it qualifies for credit for your qualification to sit for the exam or CAE renewal under Domain 2: Executive Leadership. In accordance with Commission requirements, the provider will maintain an attendance roster for 5 years.