Webinar: Purpose or Perish
Wednesday, April 27, 2022, 1:30 PM - 2:30 PM EST
Category: Webinars
Purpose or PerishPublished by Texas Society of Association Executives register for the webinarOrganizational cultures are being tested like never before. Purpose is quickly becoming the standard for individuals to gauge their careers and the metric companies use to judge their employees. Millennials make up approximately 50% of today’s workforce. 87% of millennials are willing to work for less money if their work provides a sense of purpose. How can we provide purpose to our teams? In this highly interactive session, attendees will learn how to provide purpose for an unparalleled employee experience in a post-Covid workplace. Presenter: Joshua Evans Joshua M. Evans is on a mission to revolutionize the way organizations engage, retain, and empower their people. He is committed to bringing a fundamental shift to the way companies conduct business, and it all centers around identifying and living with true purpose. Organizational cultures are being tested like never before. Purpose is quickly becoming the standard for individuals to gauge their careers and the metrics companies use to judge their employees. With over 15 years of experience, Joshua brings an enthusiastic and innovative approach to the future of the working world. He provides teams and leaders with the tools necessary to re-engage and love the work they do to create healthier, more profitable businesses. He is an international speaker and corporate trainer, a TEDx programmer, best-selling author of Enthusiastic You! Rediscover Your Passion & Energy, as well as being a leading expert on organizational culture. Joshua has worked with hundreds of companies including American Express, ExxonMobil, GE, Raytheon, Transamerica Life Insurance, Maersk International, Landry’s and many more. He truly believes that for any organization to succeed, they need to realize that attitude is far more important than aptitude. Cost: Credit has been approved with the American Society of Association Executives for 1.0 CAE credit. |