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Webinar: The Best of Both Worlds: Borrowing Best Practices from Membership in Non-Associations
Wednesday, November 29, 2023, 1:30 PM - 2:30 PM EDT
Category: Webinars

The Best of Both Worlds: Borrowing Best Practices from Membership in Non-Associations

Published by Associations North

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What You Will Learn

  • Understanding the key success factors from both membership and non-membership organizations
  • A framework for adapting best practices from other sectors to your association
  • Real-world examples of successfully borrowing and implementing strategies from non-associations

Presenter: Avi Olitzky
Avi Olitzky is the president and principal consultant of Olitzky Consulting Group. Over the course of his professional career, he has served as senior rabbi to one of the largest congregations in North America, successfully launched and grown innovative information technology and content-driven production companies and organizations, and was a founding board chair and board member for numerous non-profits.

$45 for Members
$75 for Non-members

****Please note, the Commission has announced a new CAE Registered Provider Program. This course has not yet been submitted for pre-approval for 1 CAE Credit. We believe it qualifies for credit for your qualification to sit for the exam or your CAE renewal under Domain 6: Member & Stakeholder Engagement & Management. In accordance with Commission requirements, the provider will maintain an attendance roster for 5 years.