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SURGE Co-Creation - 12-4 pm daily
Wednesday, May 01, 2019 to Friday, May 03, 2019
Category: Industry Events

Surge Co-Creation virtual conference 2019 logo

We are excited to partner with AssociationSuccess.org for SURGE Co-Creation, a FREE interactive virtual conference May 1st-3rd, 12-4 pm daily. SURGE’s mission is to assemble association executives from around the world under one virtual roof for a meaningful and fruitful conversation about innovation and co-creation. Bringing together experts from across the space, the various session discussions will all be focused on equipping attendees with the concepts and skills to be able to approach the future in a proactive and collaborative way.
Attendees will have exclusive access to the sessions on the days of the event, and will be able to communicate with each other and the speakers in a live chat that runs simultaneously. Plus, live viewing qualifies for CAE credits (remember, we are still on hour for hour, clock stuff, for CAE credits - make note of the sessions you hear so you can list them again later).

Sessions will feature some of our very favorite past GSAE speakers, including brilliant folks like Jamie Notter, Maddie Grant, Shels Alcorn, CAE, and Lowell “Low El” Aplebaum, CAE, CPF.
The collaborative and participatory nature of the event means that the more people who are in attendance, the greater the potential for problem-solving and knowledge-sharing. We invite you to register and join this celebration of collective knowledge. Immediately upon registration, you’ll find opportunities for collaboration available on the event page, including a forum.

Click here to register and learn more