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Webinar: Cross-Generational Member Engagement
Thursday, May 23, 2019, 1:30 PM - 2:30 PM EDT
Category: Webinars

Cross-Generational Member Engagement

Published by Florida Society of Association Executives and Georgia Society of Association Executives

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Member engagement is a very hot topic in the association world, and we all know that it’s not a one-size-fits-all process. But, how can we customize engagement efforts to fit the needs of a diverse membership? Start with the Why!

As we move through the membership lifecycle of recruitment, onboarding, engagement and retention, Meg Tereniak of MemberClicks will help us to use the Why as our guide. Why are these professionals joining your association? Why are they choosing to renew their membership year after year? Why are they applying to join a volunteer committee? Why are they choosing not to renew?

Meg Tereniak is the Strategic Account Manager at MemberClicks, an Atlanta-based association management software company. Since 2016, she has been helping associations and chambers thrive through refreshing technology.

$45 for Members
$75 for Non-members

Credit has been approved with the American Society of Association Executives for 1.0 CAE credit.